Frequently Asked Questions:
While we try our best to provide as much information about all of our rentals, sometimes we don't have a partictular piece of information that you are looking for. When this happens it is best to either drive by the prospective property or set up a time to view the property. Our automated processes are great for making things as easy as possible for our tenants. We are not currently able to anwser individual questions outside of the showing process.
What School District serves the property that I am looking at?
We do not keep that information on file as the attendance boundaries may change without us knowing. We do not want to provide you with incorrect information. We suggest that you check the following two places depending on the house or contact the districts directly.
How much do the utilities run for a given property?
While we try to provide you with the most reliable information, we are unable to provide you with utility unformation as we do not know how you will chose to heat and cool your rental based on your individual comfort needs. Your use may vary from the previous occupants due to different cooking, bathing, lighting, heating, and cooling habits.
Our current lease is not up. Can you hold the property?
We are not able to hold the property. We rent on a first come first served basis. If your lease is not up and you love one of our houses you are welcome to rent it in advance of your current lease ending and just have two places. This helps make moving much easier.
Do you pro-rate rent?
Due to the demad that each of our rentals has we do not pro-rate rent.
I have a pet is it allowed?
The first piece of information that we will need to make a determination is the breed, size, and age of the animal. We do not allow cats in our rentals and only allow a single small dog of certian breeds. There is an unrefundable pet fee of $350 per animal.